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The Velvet Principle is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion, eliminating unlawful discrimination among our workforce, partners and in the products and services we design. We recognise that diversity and inclusion is critical to innovation and creativity. We believe that placing inclusion at the centre of the design process results in products and services that deliver improved benefits to all.

In accordance with the Equality Act 2010, it is our aim that no employee, job applicant, supplier or partner, receives less favourable treatment on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

We oppose and avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination, including in pay and benefits; terms and conditions of employment; dealing with grievances and discipline; dismissal; redundancy; leave for parents; requests for flexible working; and selection for employment, promotion, training or other developmental opportunities.

Our Commitment:

We want our company to:

  • Provide equality, fairness and respect for all in our employment, whether temporary, part-time or full-time.
  • Create an environment in which individual differences and the contribution of all are recognised and valued.
  • Support and encourage all staff to achieve their full potential.
  • Provide a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination and that promotes dignity and respect for all.
  • Encourage equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • Place inclusivity at the centre of our design processes.

Management Responsibilities:

As a small company, the responsibility for developing and implementing this policy and recruiting and managing all staff resides with the directors. It is the responsibility of these directors to ensure that effective arrangements are in place, and all reasonable and practical steps are taken to avoid discrimination. These include ensuring that:

  • All employees, whether permanent or temporary are aware of their rights and responsibilities under the equality, diversity and inclusion policy.
  • Collaborators and partners have robust equality, diversity and inclusion policies in place. 
  • Grievances concerned with discrimination, whether against employees, partners, clients, suppliers or the public are dealt with fairly and quickly.
  • Reasonable adjustments are made to meet the needs of employees who become disabled, and job applicants, consultants and partners who are disabled.
  • Opportunities for training, development and progress are available to all staff, who will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential.
  • Decisions concerning staff are based on merit (apart from in any necessary and limited exemptions and exceptions allowed under the Equality Act).
  • Our design work considers the needs of a diverse audience and strives to implement all reasonable and practical measures to maximise inclusivity.
  • Employment practices and procedures are reviewed regularly and updated when necessary to ensure fairness and take account of changes in the law.
  • We monitor the make-up of the workforce regarding information such as age, sex, ethnic background, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and disability.

Staff and Partner Responsibilities:

The Velvet Principle works with a number of independent consultants and specialist providers to deliver our services. All should understand they, as well as their employer, can be held liable for acts of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, in the course of their employment, against fellow employees, customers, suppliers and the public.

Such acts will be dealt with as misconduct and appropriate action will be taken. Particularly serious complaints could amount to gross misconduct and lead to dismissal without notice.
Responsibilities of staff whether employed on a permanent or temporary basis include:

  • Conducting themselves to help The Velvet Principle provide equal opportunities in employment, and prevent bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination.
  • Taking seriously complaints of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination by fellow employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, the public and any others in the course of the organisation’s work activities.


The equality, diversity and inclusion policy is fully supported by senior management. All concerns or grievances should be raised in the first instance with Sian Kelly, Founding Director, who has overall responsibility for the policy and procedures.

Date Reviewed: August 2020


The Velvet Principle Ltd Reg no. 7267462
Registered Address: 44 Steele Road, Isleworth, TW7