Pedestrian Map Design
Tasked with designing a pedestrian map or plan as part of a wayfinding scheme? Here’s some of the key things you need to consider to ensure that it can be easily understood and interpreted
Empowering people by making sense of the places they visit
The Velvet Principle is London based wayfinding and graphic design consultancy, developing wayfinding strategies that help people navigate, route plan and understand all there is to see, do or learn in a place. Capturing the brand and essence of place through the creative design of signs and decorative graphics.
We develop integrated wayfinding strategies that use a range of tools to enable people to navigate and route plan.
We design content and sign forms that communicate all there is to see, do or learn in a place and guide people on their journey.
We design graphics and products for buildings and places that capture the essence and character of the brand or experience.
Tasked with a wayfinding procurement?
We’ve put together a handy guide to help you get the best outcome from your tender process. If it’s your first-time, there’s an introduction to the discipline; recommendations on what to include in the brief; as well as an overview of a typical wayfinding project. For the more seasoned campaigner, there’s some handy checklists, designed to act as aide memoires and ensure you cover all the bases.
Tasked with designing a pedestrian map or plan as part of a wayfinding scheme? Here’s some of the key things you need to consider to ensure that it can be easily understood and interpreted
Seeking feedback from a range of different perspectives is an important part of the design review process. However, when you’re busy juggling competing priorities, or up against deadlines that could have financial consequences if missed, it can be difficult to allocate sufficient time. For those of us involved in the design of physical wayfinding signs, it’s not something we should
Last week The Velvet Principle attended a symposium hosted by the SDS and SEGD London Chapter focussing on inclusive design for wayfinding information. The event featured a series of thought-provoking presentations exploring the ‘what, why, when and how’ of inclusive design. Distilling what was a packed agenda into a few takeaways, is a challenge, but these were some of the
The design of the wayfinding signs needed to align with the client’s sustainability and wellness targets – BREEAM Outstanding and WELL Core Gold. To meet these challenges the design minimised the volume of material by applying the information as individual characters directly to the building surfaces
With the emphasis in design consultancy tending to be on the new and innovative, we’ve come to expect detailed design reports and strategies; multi-component product specifications and manufacturing lead times spanning several months. But sometimes low tech solutions, that just use whatever is to hand can work so well – like this low tech wayfinding design at Orford Ness.
Cost-effective and pragmatic sign design implemented across five apartment buildings within the Phoenix Community Housing estate, to comply with Fire Safety Regulations
Tel. No: +44 20 8744 2884
Email: hello@thevelvetprinciple.co.uk