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Front cover fire safety building regulations document

Wayfinding Signage Fire Safety Regulations

The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 comes into force in January 2023. Mandating the installation of wayfinding signage in all multi-occupancy residential buildings 18 meters or seven storeys high. Here’s an overview of what you

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Totem with text ranged in direction of travel

Wayfinding Procurement

For most significant property development projects, sooner or later wayfinding or signage will come up on the to do list. If it’s something you’ve not had to deal with recently or ever – trying to

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Composite images of different uses of digital screens in wayfinding signage

Digital Wayfinding Signage

AI, virtual/augmented reality and Internet of things might be stealing the tech limelight, but for wayfinding designers, the pace of change in digital screen technology is equally enthralling. The robustness and resolution seems to be

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Examples of different inclusive design initiatives focussed on invisible disabilities

Inclusive Wayfinding Design

Historically inclusive design has tended to focus on visual or mobility impairments, with minimal consideration for neurodiversity or hidden disabilities. Thanks to a series of high-profile campaigns by a number of charities and support organisations,

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Examples of biophilic principles applied to environmental graphics

Biophilic Wayfinding Design

What are the benefits of biophilic design and how can wayfinding and environmental graphic design contribute. In this post we explore the evidence and discuss the different components that make up biophilic design

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How to assess your wayfinding

Assessing Wayfinding Schemes

When designing a new wayfinding scheme a range of methodologies can be used to test and shape the outcome. But how can we assess the contribution to the performance of the business or destination as

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Amenity signs made from recycled paper

Lifecycle Approach to Wayfinding Design

A key sustainability challenge for anyone involved in commissioning, designing or manufacturing wayfinding signs, is to think well beyond day one. To future -proof and lengthen the operational life of the information, by really exploring

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Composite image of different signs

Wayfinding Scheme Maintenance

When specifying a new wayfinding system, it’s important to factor in the ongoing maintenance costs. Beyond ensuring the physical infrastructure is safe and kept in good order, you need to think about how frequently the

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One New Change Reception graphics

Strategies for Sustainable Wayfinding Design

When it comes to sustainable wayfinding design – material selection and dematerialisation strategies are an obvious focus. However, to ensure that the end result is fit for purpose, future proofed and contributes positively to the

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Large figure 10 in white letters against a purple velvet background

Celebrating 10 Years

Share on email Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on pinterest June 2020 marked The Velvet Principle’s 10th anniversary. When we started developing plans for celebrating this milestone late last year, little did we

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