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It’s one of those conundrums – you’re going out to tender because you don’t have the internal expertise to fulfil an identified need. Yet for cost surety and ensure you hire the best person for the job, you need to be sufficiently knowledgeable to define exactly what you want. Leave anything open to interpretation and you’ll end up comparing apples with pears in your tender responses.
Whether it’s your first time, or you’re a seasoned procurer, this is intended as a checklist to assist in the development of a wayfinding project scope. The requirements for a typical wayfinding consultancy can be broken down into three broad areas:
For most significant development projects with public access, there are likely to be a series of discrete wayfinding requirements. With different layers of information required to meet the navigation and orientation needs of a range of different stakeholders, uses and transport modalities. For cost and functional reasons, different areas may also warrant different design approaches.
Take a luxury five-star hotel as an example. As well as wayfinding signs to guide guests to their rooms and various amenities; information will be needed in the car park; and behind the scenes in the staff and servicing areas. Each area will need separate consideration and a design approach that suits the environment. It would be inappropriate (and extravagant) to apply the same design and material quality created for the guest areas within the operationally focussed back of house. Similarly external Information targeted at drivers will need to be at a larger scale than that for pedestrians
There are also instances, where other specialists will be contracted to deliver aspects of the wayfinding, most notably:
Design of the back of house and front of house wayfinding signs in a commercial office building. Use of the same font, terminology, symbols, and colour palette provide continuity, but the scale of the information, materials and sign form reflects the different design environments.
The below is a list of key wayfinding and sign design areas to consider when developing the scope requirement:
There are occasions where for mainly historical reasons, responsibility for signs for toilets and room or apartment numbers are factored into the main contractor or architect’s contract. As this destination information is a core component of a comprehensive wayfinding strategy, this is likely to result in an incoherent design outcome. Therefore, unless explicitly excluded from the scope a wayfinding consultant will include the design of all signs that constitute a fully integrated wayfinding solution, including:
It is not unusual for the wayfinding consultancy brief to cover a wider set of project and or building information and graphic design requirements. These are discussed further under Adjacent Services.
A typical wayfinding project passes through a series of development stages, that loosely mirrors the RIBA plan of work:
While most wayfinding projects tend to involve a full end-to-end service, there may be situations, where this is not appropriate, or the client wishes to take an incremental approach. Fuller details about each stage are provided here.
It is not unusual for a range of additional design and planning related services to be included within the wayfinding brief, including:
* Unless explicitly excluded, wayfinding consultants will assume that identification signs to communicate the building name or organisation brand are part of the brief. In instances where there is no existing brand or logotype in place, the client may wish to include this in the wayfinding scope of services.
** For a new development there is likely to be a dedicated Planning Manager to oversee all applications for consent. In instances where this resource is not available, for example when updating an existing wayfinding scheme, the wayfinding consultant may be willing make the application on the client’s behalf.
It’s a regularly rehearsed trope, that when it comes to design projects, the quality of the outcome is only as good as the quality of the brief. Every project is different and will come with its own unique challenges and opportunities. So taking time to talk to specialists consultants prior to tendering, might prove its weight in gold (or metallic sprayed acrylic if budgets don’t extend that far).
Tel. No: +44 20 8744 2884